Our purpose and heart for the women of our body and community is for you to know your value and worth in Jesus and to each other. 

"After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb" - Revelation 7:9

All women are welcome in our community with open arms, we embrace and honor our differences of culture, ethnicity, education, language, or life journey.  
Our heart is to teach the Word of God, and to create a community where we can grow together and share in each other’s joys along with the trials that this life on earth brings. We have a heart for our community, nation and world and want to be used by Jesus to encourage and stand beside women near and far, through prayer, words of encouragement, and the fulfillment of practical needs.  

Gathering Times 

Tuesday Morning Weekly Study

During the school year, join us Tuesday mornings at 9am. We meet in the Multipurpose Room, or you can join us below on Zoom. Childcare is provided; please email freya@calvarycorvallis.org if you need childcare.
Meeting ID: 699 117 706
Password: 021866

Thursday Evening Monthly Study

Join us on the FIRST Thursday of every month from 6-8:30pm for a potluck and a rich time of teaching. We meet in the Multipurpose Room.

Calvary Women: Upcoming Events


Watch previous Women's Bible Studies on YouTube by clicking the link below.

Say Hello

Cindy Rodgers

Women's Ministry Director

Social Media