How It All Started
In 1995, God called Rob Verdeyen from Calvary Costa Mesa, where he was serving as a High School pastor under Chuck Smith, to come be the Senior Pastor of Calvary Corvallis. He was 29 at the time. In faith and obedience, Rob, along with his wife Susie and their 1 year-old daughter Lauren, moved up from California to Beaver country.
At that time, Calvary Corvallis started with 15-20 people meeting in a Senior Center and in the following years grew to over 800 attenders. In the early years of being a mobile church, Calvary went on to meet in other various locations, including a high school cafeteria and then in a middle school gym.
In those years, the church started a weekly Saturday night prayer meeting. As a small group of faithful people prayed, God moved in powerful ways. Many youth began to give their lives to Jesus and they became catalysts for God doing a fresh work in their families at home. Calvary’s college ministry was birthed in those years as well. A small Bible study held on the OSU campus grew from 10 to 200 students within a matter of weeks. Many college students began flocking to Calvary and found a spiritual home.
At that time, Calvary Corvallis started with 15-20 people meeting in a Senior Center and in the following years grew to over 800 attenders. In the early years of being a mobile church, Calvary went on to meet in other various locations, including a high school cafeteria and then in a middle school gym.
In those years, the church started a weekly Saturday night prayer meeting. As a small group of faithful people prayed, God moved in powerful ways. Many youth began to give their lives to Jesus and they became catalysts for God doing a fresh work in their families at home. Calvary’s college ministry was birthed in those years as well. A small Bible study held on the OSU campus grew from 10 to 200 students within a matter of weeks. Many college students began flocking to Calvary and found a spiritual home.

Expanding the vision...
After years of Sunday gatherings held in school cafeterias and gyms, God provided an opportunity for the church to have a permanent home. In 2007, Calvary purchased 53 acres next to Chip Ross Park in north Corvallis. Pastor Chuck Smith came to dedicate the building and deliver a special message as Calvary stepped into a new season of making new memories as a church family.