Our daily prayer meetings are the heartbeat of Calvary.
Prayer meetings have been the engine room for our spiritual life and ministries! This vision for prayer is taken from the Old Testament morning and evening burnt offerings. We have had a Saturday Night Prayer meeting every week since 1995. Come and pray us as we carry on this legacy.
All our normal daily prayer meetings are on break during the Week of Prayer and Fasting (January 26th-February 2nd). Instead, Zoom prayer will be at 7am Monday-Friday. You can join those meetings using this link or entering the Zoom ID: 819 7066 3012.
In Person
- Men's Prayer Meeting: Wednesdays at 6am
- Thursdays at 7am
- Saturdays at 6pm
On Zoom
Prayer Chain
The prayer chain is an invaluable part of the ministry at Calvary Corvallis. The primary purpose of the prayer chain is to communicate the urgent needs of those in our fellowship and their loved ones. Our heart is to bear one another's burdens in Christ, and to ask for His grace and strength through prayer.
Sign up to be a part of the prayer chain and receive email updates.
Sign up to be a part of the prayer chain and receive email updates.