Day 4
"Good morning, Lord!" Thankful and asking Him to make us awake and alert, not sleepy like the disciples in the Garden. Asking for what He wants us to hear and know this morning. "Enliven our ears to hear You, Spirit of God, singing, "In the morning when I rise, give me Jesus!"
Then a word from the Lord from Isaiah 50:4, "The Lord GOD has given me the tongue of the learned that I should know how to speak a word to him who is weary. He awakens me morning by morning," "to hear as the learned. The Lord GOD has opened My ear; and I was not rebellious, Nor did I turn away." Awaken our ears to hear You that we would have a word for the weary.
Oh when I am alone, give me Jesus, and when I come to die, just give me Jesus!" Give us words for each other, Your body, words of encouragement - Your words are life to us, pour out Your Spirit that we could give life to each other.
Song, "Oh Lord, how great You Are... when I think that God His Son not sparing, I scarce can take it in; that on the cross, my burden gladly bearing, He bled and died to take away my sin; then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee!...When Christ shall come with shouts of acclamation and take me home, what joy shall fill my heart, then I shall bow in humble adoration and then proclaim, my God, how great Thou art!
"I love Your voice, You have led me through the fire! All my life You have been faithful, all my life You have been so good! Every breath that I am able, let me sing of Your goodness God! You have been faithful to us. In our hard seasons, Your faithfulness has brought us through. The Lord has been with us in those lonely parts so we can remind others that He is and will be with them too. His goodness runs after us, so with our lives laid down and surrendered to Him, His goodness runs after us!" We sing that we are thankful for His faithfulness, light in our times of darkness. Let Your glory fill our hearts this morning - even those who aren't here this morning. Let us (the younger generation) sing, that all my life You will be good! (One remembered that Pastor Chuck wished he had never worried.) The older generation is singing that You have always been faithful.
A word for someone who feels forgotten: feelings betray us, but trust in God's faithful Word: He IS faithful to each of his own. Joseph for example, in spite of the meanness of his brothers, abandonment to Egypt and such difficulty, even there God was faithfully with him, protecting him, restoring him eventually, but never forgetting him. God raised Joseph up to serve with Pharoah to help so many, even his brothers!
All my life you have been faithful, You have been so good! Your goodness is running after, it's running after me! With my life laid down, surrendered and giving You everything, with every breath singing of the goodness of God to me.
We were asked if anyone had a word from God and many responded:
Be still and know that He is God. I will never (no never!) leave you nor forsake you.
The Lord is the strength of His people and will carry us forever. He is our stronghold and victory. He will have victory in our hard seasons.
Someone had a vision of rain on the dry places and seeing a recurrent theme of a tapestry - that God is weaving something good that we can't see right now.
There is someone here who is living in fear, but Isaiah 26:3-4 reminds us that he whose mind is stayed on God, that God will keep him in perfect peace because he is trusting in Him. "Trust in Him forever, for in YAH the Lord, is everlasting strength." Fix your mind on Him when you are fearful.
Someone who is frantic, doing your things, wearing yourself out - be still and let God's goodness envelop you.
Jesus left the 99 (Luke 15:4) to go after one lost, a word that He is pursuing us, is after us, so wanting us to trust Him!
Image of a forest with rain pouring down, He runs to us pursuing us.
He turns His ear to hear us (Psalm 116:2); He is a stronghold in the day of trouble (Nahum 1:7); and He knows those who trust in Him through the night trials (Psalm 30:5) -let us remember that weeping may remain for the night, but joy comes in the morning.
Last night a word for a couple, will tell them tonight.
In our prayer group, praying for perfect peace through all the struggles as we trust in You, God.
As the song encourages us, let us trust in God, our Savior, the One who will never fail, He will never fail us! When we seek the Lord, He hears and He answers, that's why we trust Him.
From Psalm 34: I will bless the Lord at all times, His praise shall always be in my mouth! My soul shall boast in the Lord! Let the afflicted hear and rejoice! Oh magnify the LORD with me! I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to Him are radiant, and their faces are not ashamed. The Lord hears us, and saves us out of all our troubles! The angel of the Lord encamps all around us who fear Him, and delivers us! Oh, let us taste and see that the LORD is good. Blessed is the one who trusts in Him! Oh fear the LORD, you His saints! There is no want for those who fear Him. Those who seek the LORD shall not lack any good thing! He, our God, is the only One!
Then a word from the Lord from Isaiah 50:4, "The Lord GOD has given me the tongue of the learned that I should know how to speak a word to him who is weary. He awakens me morning by morning," "to hear as the learned. The Lord GOD has opened My ear; and I was not rebellious, Nor did I turn away." Awaken our ears to hear You that we would have a word for the weary.
Oh when I am alone, give me Jesus, and when I come to die, just give me Jesus!" Give us words for each other, Your body, words of encouragement - Your words are life to us, pour out Your Spirit that we could give life to each other.
Song, "Oh Lord, how great You Are... when I think that God His Son not sparing, I scarce can take it in; that on the cross, my burden gladly bearing, He bled and died to take away my sin; then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee!...When Christ shall come with shouts of acclamation and take me home, what joy shall fill my heart, then I shall bow in humble adoration and then proclaim, my God, how great Thou art!
"I love Your voice, You have led me through the fire! All my life You have been faithful, all my life You have been so good! Every breath that I am able, let me sing of Your goodness God! You have been faithful to us. In our hard seasons, Your faithfulness has brought us through. The Lord has been with us in those lonely parts so we can remind others that He is and will be with them too. His goodness runs after us, so with our lives laid down and surrendered to Him, His goodness runs after us!" We sing that we are thankful for His faithfulness, light in our times of darkness. Let Your glory fill our hearts this morning - even those who aren't here this morning. Let us (the younger generation) sing, that all my life You will be good! (One remembered that Pastor Chuck wished he had never worried.) The older generation is singing that You have always been faithful.
A word for someone who feels forgotten: feelings betray us, but trust in God's faithful Word: He IS faithful to each of his own. Joseph for example, in spite of the meanness of his brothers, abandonment to Egypt and such difficulty, even there God was faithfully with him, protecting him, restoring him eventually, but never forgetting him. God raised Joseph up to serve with Pharoah to help so many, even his brothers!
All my life you have been faithful, You have been so good! Your goodness is running after, it's running after me! With my life laid down, surrendered and giving You everything, with every breath singing of the goodness of God to me.
We were asked if anyone had a word from God and many responded:
Be still and know that He is God. I will never (no never!) leave you nor forsake you.
The Lord is the strength of His people and will carry us forever. He is our stronghold and victory. He will have victory in our hard seasons.
Someone had a vision of rain on the dry places and seeing a recurrent theme of a tapestry - that God is weaving something good that we can't see right now.
There is someone here who is living in fear, but Isaiah 26:3-4 reminds us that he whose mind is stayed on God, that God will keep him in perfect peace because he is trusting in Him. "Trust in Him forever, for in YAH the Lord, is everlasting strength." Fix your mind on Him when you are fearful.
Someone who is frantic, doing your things, wearing yourself out - be still and let God's goodness envelop you.
Jesus left the 99 (Luke 15:4) to go after one lost, a word that He is pursuing us, is after us, so wanting us to trust Him!
Image of a forest with rain pouring down, He runs to us pursuing us.
He turns His ear to hear us (Psalm 116:2); He is a stronghold in the day of trouble (Nahum 1:7); and He knows those who trust in Him through the night trials (Psalm 30:5) -let us remember that weeping may remain for the night, but joy comes in the morning.
Last night a word for a couple, will tell them tonight.
In our prayer group, praying for perfect peace through all the struggles as we trust in You, God.
As the song encourages us, let us trust in God, our Savior, the One who will never fail, He will never fail us! When we seek the Lord, He hears and He answers, that's why we trust Him.
From Psalm 34: I will bless the Lord at all times, His praise shall always be in my mouth! My soul shall boast in the Lord! Let the afflicted hear and rejoice! Oh magnify the LORD with me! I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to Him are radiant, and their faces are not ashamed. The Lord hears us, and saves us out of all our troubles! The angel of the Lord encamps all around us who fear Him, and delivers us! Oh, let us taste and see that the LORD is good. Blessed is the one who trusts in Him! Oh fear the LORD, you His saints! There is no want for those who fear Him. Those who seek the LORD shall not lack any good thing! He, our God, is the only One!