Humble Nightly Info

Monday Night

  • Prayer Leader:  Pastor Rob
  • Facilitators:  Cindy, Heather and Maddy
  • Scribe:  Kim (
  • Zoom Leader:  Pastor Scott
  • Lock Up: Brennan 

Tuesday Night

  • Prayer Leader:  Pastor Rob and Pastor Chad
  • Facilitators:  Pastor Chad, Heather, Kaitlyn and Nemo
  • Scribe:  Kaitlyn (
  • Zoom Leader:  Pastor Scott
Thank you so much for your incredible leadership this week :)

Circle Leader Tips


  • Each circle has tissues, hand sanitizer and anointing oil available as needed.
  • Have someone share their request from their chair so the whole circle can hear then have them move to the chair in the center.
  • If you don’t know the person asking for prayer, ask their name and check with them before laying on of hands—some people are uncomfortable being touched.  You could also decide to have women lay hands on women and men lay hands on men.  Touches should be gentle, not rubbing or massaging.
  • Check with the person sharing their request to see if they would like it to be confidential.  Pastor Rob will address this from the pulpit as well. 
  • When you finish praying for someone, ask if someone else would like to be prayed for.  If nobody is in the center, ask if there’s anything on someone’s heart the circle could intercede for.  As the leader you could also lead off by asking for prayer and creating an environment of vulnerability.   
  • If your circle is slow getting going, you could always ask someone you know to be prayed for first.  And, if someone wants prayer for someone else, you could let them pray for that request and then ask if there’s  anything you could pray for specifically for them.
  • You could let your circle know that your group is going to pray for each person by going around in circle, but if they don’t want to be prayed for they won’t have to.


  • Sometimes people will share things that are beyond a prayer circle’s ability to help (marriage issues, children, addictions, metal health issues, etc.).  In that case, fill out the card at your chair or scan the QR code on your lanyard to pull up an electronic form to fill out.  Please bring a filled out card to Connect.
  • Not everyone in your circle needs to pray for each person.  As the   leader, you could be the one to end the prayer time for each person to help move the prayer time along.
  • We want to bring everything to God.  If someone in your circle starts to counsel, politely end the conversation and start to pray. Have someone share their request and then start praying.  If someone is dominating your circle, you can ask for people who haven’t prayed to pray out.
  • If someone starts praying contrary to the heart of God, or you discern something is “off”, redirect the prayer back to God’s heart.  As a circle leader you are creating a space for all to feel safe. 
  • For evening sessions, please let everyone in your circle know they can leave at 8pm, but have your circle wrapped up by 8:30pm.  If you end at 8pm, this gives you 30 minutes to pray.  Watch the time so one person doesn’t go long and others don’t get prayed for.


  • You can always reach out to a staff member,  floor facilitator or usher if you have questions or need help.
  • Circle leaders will have lanyards with two QR codes.  One is for follow up with a specific person.  The other is for “Nightly Info” so leaders know who is leading, the scribe, any themes, etc.
  • We post updates from all the prayer meetings so if something that would really encourage the body happens in your prayer circle, please pass that information along so we can write about it (a salvation, vision, scripture, etc.) by scanning the QR code on your lanyard to get their email.
  • Located in the foyer are different expressions (prayer wall, space for kids and paper for artwork) for this week and activity bags for children.
  • Anointing oil - this year it is unscented.  If you decide to use it, put a small amount on your finger to dab on the person getting anointed.
  • Zoom - if you’re leading on Zoom, each night will have a staff member leading the prayer time.  When we break into small groups and you are scheduled as a leader for the night, please introduce yourself as the leader for the group and follow the above tips to get started.